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Netherlands 2024 Photos

Many restaurants along the canals in The Netherlands use permanently-moored boats as additional outdoor patio space.

I was really tempted to buy this awesome vintage mechanical typewriter. It was in excellent condition, but I wasn’t sure how I would get it back home or if it would be allowed as carry-on luggage on my flight.

Boarding the boat for the canal tour of Delft.

Going under one of several bridges with very low clearance. Luckily, the tour guide informed us that if we did sink, the canal is only about 1 meter deep, so we could all walk to shore with our hair dry.

More cars perched precariously on the sides of the canal.

The leaning clock tower of Delft. It started leaning during its construction and so the builders tried to correct for this with various optical illusions to make it appear more straight from a distance. These include leaning the spires in, making them slightly different heights, and building the top portion of the tower with a curve in the opposite direction of the lean, which gives it kind of a banana shape.

I really didn’t think we were going to make it under this bridge. There were scratches on the arch where other boats had scraped.