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Netherlands 2024 Photos

The Cube Houses in Rotterdam - a noteworthy modern architecture landmark.

Our bike tour guide said that this was the tallest building in Europe when it was built in 1898 with a whopping 10 floors - quite a feat for those days!

This is the bridge that Jeff Bezos wanted the city to dismantle so he could transit past it in one of his megayachts. This is a pretty tall bridge looking at it in person. That yacht of his must be as enormous as his ego if it couldn’t fit. Luckily, the fine citizens of Rotterdam protested the dismantling of historic structures merely to appease the yachting itinerary of a megalomaniac billionaire. The crew of the oversized vessel eventually worked out a different route to sea that didn’t require tearing down bridges.

This building has an interesting story too. There were already existing structures on this plot of premium real estate, so the new building’s developers built it nearby with tall support ‘legs’. It was rolled into place on tracks straddling the existing structures where it now stands.

The former headquarters of Holland America Line that has now been converted into a hotel. This was the ‘other side’ to Ellis Island. Many Europeans that immigrated to the US and North America left from this port.