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Netherlands 2024 Photos

This is actually a storage vault that holds paintings for the museum next to it.

Interesting high-tech doors.

More bike parking/storage.

A view of a road near Haarlem Train station, except that this ‘road’ is only for bikes.

Train station in Delft.

Delft is a charming, picturesque, and historical town not far from The Hague.

This thing looks so out of place in Delft. It was only 1 of 2 pickup trucks I saw in the Netherlands the week I was there. It took the driver about 10 minutes to maneuver into this tight parking spot, which - to his credit - must have required some skill. But, this doesn’t seem like the most practical transit option for this quaint town.

I thought the gutters in Provo, UT were bad for getting your car stuck if you fell into them, but parking here along the canal must require even more vigilance not to fall in! The tour guide on our boat ride said that about 2 a year do.

The canal tour boats. These are about the max size that can fit. We went under a few bridges with less than an inch of clearance!