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Netherlands 2024 Photos

More interesting modern architecture in Amsterdam.

Some life advice seen on my walk back to Amsterdam Centraal Train Station.

I’m not sure why these workers were flooding the area near the hotel shuttle pickup at Schiphol, but I wonder if it has something to do with what the tour guide mentioned in Rotterdam. The Netherlands has a very high water table and is prone to flooding in heavy rains, so many modern buildings (like the Rotterdam Centraal Train Station) have a system of cisterns and holding tanks to collect the water from the roof during heavy rains, and then release it gradually so it doesn’t overwhelm the storm drains and flood the surrounding area. Perhaps these workers were doing a controlled release of storm run-off, or some other related utility work.

Whatever they were doing did happen to flood the bus stop and the pedestrian crossing. I felt sorry for the people trying to cross here in 2 inches of water with rolling luggage.

Vehicles better-suited for a town like Delft rather than the 2 American-sized pickup trucks I saw. Although, I’m not sure if these are actually road legal in the Netherlands or just used by staff on the hotel grounds. It might be the European equivalent to a John Deere Gator perhaps.

Not only did the aviation-themed hotel have a 747 in the pavilion, but it was also next to a facility for Bell (formerly Bell Helicopter).