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Bangkok Thailand 2024 Photos

The AirAsia flight from Indonesia to Bangkok contained this prayer card in the seatback pocket along with the safety card. I’ve never seen this before.

It lists suggested prayers tailored for air travel depending on your preferred religion. Apparently, there’s even one specifically for ‘Catholic’. I guess if you’re Catholic, you can choose between that and the ‘Christianity’ prayer.

These automatic cleaning robots were everywhere in Bangkok. This one greeted arriving travelers at the Airport.

Wow, 10 years in prison for bringing E-cigarettes into the country! I’m not sure how aggressively this is enforced, but I’m glad I don’t vape.

Many venues featured live bands/music.

These canal water taxis really move! They rip down these canals at speeds that startled me when I first saw one. The narrow canals don’t seem to leave much room for error going that fast.

A Tuk-Tuk ride! This guy took me all over the city, mostly to places I never asked to go because apparently they get a commission if you buy stuff there.

I had little interest in the jewelry and gem stores he kept trying to take me to, but my frustration subsided when he actually took me somewhere interesting - a random dock with locals offering longtail boat rides! This ended up being one of the highlights of the trip, and something I probably wouldn’t have thought to do on my own if the Tuk-Tuk driver hadn’t insisted on taking me to one more place I never asked to go.