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Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Friday, November 06, 2020 8:48 AM
From: Yulia

Hello my dear ray of light Ryli. I was really looking forward to the moment when I could read your letter. My dear Ryli, I came back from my father. I’m alright. I walked for a long time and listened to music. I recalled excerpts from our letters and I really wanted you to be there at such a moment. And I would like to go and feel your embrace. Or bask outside in each other’s arms. My father asked a lot about you. I told him what a good person you are. My father asked me to say hello to you. He is very glad that we found a common language and I am very pleased to communicate with you. My father told me about his acquaintance with my mother. It was romantic. He still remembers those moments with a smile on his face.

I am now writing this letter and thinking about you. I want to thank you that you appeared in my life and that you bring me so much joy. Literally coloring my gray life in new and bright colors. I had no idea before what love is. But thanks to you, I can feel it. It’s nice to feel needed. Today my friend called and offered to go shopping tomorrow. I’m thinking of buying myself a perfume. But of course most of all I would like to walk with you my dear Ryli. And sit in a cafe after shopping. I really want to rest tomorrow. Because the day after tomorrow I will have a very busy day. I will need to go to the client to do makeup and hair styling before the wedding, and then I will need to go straight to the beauty salon. I really love these busy days. My work gives me more pleasure. I communicate a lot with clients and am charged with positive. Because all clients come before some holiday or significant event for them. They often share their experiences and joy. I always try to do my job perfectly so that my clients look amazing.

I always thought that people in America love to cook grilled sausages and meat. I always thought that these are traditional American dishes. And I thought the same about turkey in spicy sauce.

My dear Ryli, on this note I end my letter and I want your day to be as joyful as mine.

Your Yulia