Message archive for
Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4:23 PM
From: Ryli

Hello Yulia,

I am very well. I was feeling ill yesterday, but got lots of rest and now feel much better. Also, your Email cheered me up since I enjoy hearing from you, and you sent more beautiful photos. Thank you! I really like your glasses.

It is very sad what happened with your mother. I have heard many stories of men abandoning their wives and children, but I think it must be less common for women to do so.

How was the children’s party? I went to the grocery store today to pick up a few things, and there was this young girl (maybe 2 or 3 years old) standing in front of the oranges I was trying to pick up. She just stood there and stared at me for about 15 seconds. Finally her mom told her to move so other people could pick up fruit. Kids are so funny sometimes.

I really don’t have any plans this weekend. Normally, I would enjoy going out to a bar or restaurant, or dancing, but I don’t think I will go anywhere this weekend due to COVID becoming worse here. I will probably just read. I have many books that I’d like to read, so maybe I will do that this weekend. The book I am currently reading is called “10 Days That Shook The World”. It is about the Russian Revolution of 1917. I actually do not watch much TV and I don’t really watch any shows currently, but I enjoy watching movies. The last movie I watched was “Crazy Rich Asians”. I actually really like romantic comedies (which is funny because most guys usually hate them haha).

OK, well my dinner is ready. Tonight I am eating pizza! I hope that you had fun at the children’s party and that you have a good Thursday. I am thinking about you ;)
